September 7, 2016

Much has been made about the aging population of the United States. If you are a caregiver, nurse, healthcare professional or someone that may need elderly home care services in the near future these numbers will directly affect you. Today we want take a closer look at the numbers and answer three main questions:

• What are the numbers of the elderly population today?
• What are they projected to be?
• What are the factors behind the aging trends?


What are the numbers?


This is what the elderly population looks like today:Aging Population Increase Elderly Home Care

• The current population over the age of 65 is 46 million.
• The current population over the age of 85 is 6 million
• The current percentage of the population over 65 is 13.7%
• The current percentage of the population over 85 is 1.9%



What are the numbers going to look like in the future:

• The projected population over the age of 65
o In 2030 – 72 million
o In 2050 – 88.5 million

• The projected percentage of population over the age of 65
o In 2030 – 20.3%
o In 2050 – 20.9%

• The projected population over the age of 85
o In 2030 – 8.7 million
o In 2050 – 19 million

• The projected percentage of population over the age of 85
o In 2030 – 2.5%
o In 2050 – 4.5%

Statistical Summary:

• The projected population over the age of 85 will more than triple by 2050
• The projected population over the age of 65 will nearly double by 2050
• The percentage of population over the age of 65 will increase 32% in less than two decades

Factors Behind Aging Trends

Factors affecting aging population and driving need for elderly home care

There are two main factors associated with the huge shift in aging trends, they are the aging baby boomers and that we continue to live longer. The two graphs to the right illustrates the amount of births that occurred after the end of World War II and the lift expectancy over the last 50 years. At 2030 all of the baby boomers will be over the age of 65.

Implications for Elderly Home Care

As the population continues to age the demand for caregivers and the need for elderly home care services will rise. The country is still coming to terms with best way to provide quality care to an aging population at a price they can afford. This is the first year that some Medicare Advantage plans will begin to offer elderly home care services as part of the commercial products.


About the Author: Ryan McGuire works in Community Relations at Griswold Homecare in San Antonio, TX and owner/ operator of a website dedicated to the needs of caregivers.