Multiple Sclerosis: Tips for the Caregiver March 30, 2012 You know better than anyone how challenging, exhausting and stressful it can be to care for someone with MS. Feelings...
Multiple Sclerosis: A Safe Home for MS March 29, 2012 Welcome back to the Griswold Blog, where we’re closing out the month of March with education and awareness about Multiple...
Multiple Sclerosis: Education & Awareness March 28, 2012 Spring is in the air, but we can’t embrace April’s showers or May’s flowers without providing some "Multiple Sclerosis (MS)...
Elderly Memory Loss: Warning Signs of Dementia & Alzheimer’s March 26, 2012 The Final Five In our last post, we started diffusing the confusion of dementia with 5 of the warning signs....
Elderly Memory Loss: Warning Signs of Dementia & Alzheimer’s March 21, 2012 The First Five Welcome back to the Griswold Blog. As you may know, we’re dedicating this week’s posts to diffusing...
Elderly Memory Loss: The Dementia Diagnosis, Explained March 19, 2012 One of the most difficult things to experience as an adult child or caregiver of an elderly individual is the...
Healthy Eating for the Elderly: From Store to Door March 16, 2012 This is our last post about mindful munching, which we’re blogging about this week in honor of National Nutrition Month®....
Healthy Eating for the Elderly: From Table for One to Table of Fun March 14, 2012 Welcome back to the Griswold Blog, where we’re talking about healthy nutrition for your elderly loved one. As we stated...
Healthy Eating for the Elderly: From Metabolism to Medications March 13, 2012 To celebrate National Nutrition Month® -- a nutrition education and information campaign created annually in March by the Academy of...
Field Trips for the Elderly: Search for a Senior Center March 9, 2012 We’ve blogged about it before, but we can’t stress it enough -- elderly isolation must be avoided at all costs....