“Need for Health Aides Soon Will be Mushrooming” November 8, 2011 A good article hitting on several very important points in the government and privately funded sectors of non-medical home care. ...
Veteran’s Benefits – Are You Missing Out? October 18, 2011 The total veteran population in the United States has reached nearly 23 million, with almost 40 percent of those overRead...
Advanced Directives October 7, 2011 With continued advances in modern medicine and technology a patient can be kept alive indefinitely with no chance of recovery. Read...
Hospitalization for Medicare patients often leads to nursing home, study finds October 6, 2011 Medicare beneficiaries who are hospitalized for acute-care treatment, including a stroke or hip fracture, are at an “extremely high risk”Read...
Identity Theft: Who You Gonna Call? October 6, 2011 Keep this handly list of contact information available in case you become a victim of identify theft or want to...
Cargiving Statistics in the U.S. September 12, 2011 Data from many studies and reports reveal the following information about caregivers: The “typical” U.S. caregiver is a 46-year-old womanRead...
Power of Attorney Basics September 8, 2011 Do you know the difference between a medical and durable power of attorney? If not this article helps to explain...
New Resource Available for San Antonio Area Seniors and Their Families August 11, 2011 San Antonio area seniors now have a new resource to help them age successfully. Laura McGuire,CSA, with Griswold Special CareRead...
Getting Old Is a State of Mind August 1, 2011 Who says aging has to be boring!? Grand Valley State University and the Clark Retirement Home came together to produceRead...
Griswold Special Care of San Antonio Promotes Sardelich July 26, 2011 The San Antonio office of Griswold Special Care has promoted Jennifer Sardelich to Assistant Office Manager. Jennifer has done an outstandingRead...