To recognize World Alzheimer’s Awareness Month in September, we have created a highly visual infographic that captures the nature of repetitive symptoms and their impact on the lives of people living with dementia. Repetitive symptoms are often misunderstood and create frustration and exhaustion for clients and their family/professional caregivers. It is important to remember that people with dementia cannot control their symptoms. The good news is that there are effective tools and approaches that can improve our understanding and response to repetitive symptoms. Read on to learn about the common triggers for repetitive symptoms and how they can be managed. We hope that this infographic provides innovative, practical approaches that improve quality of life for all involved in dementia care and support.
Don’t miss our upcoming webinar on this topic September 26th, 2013 at 4 pm Eastern. We’ll take a deeper look into the challenging symptoms of dementia during the webinar and provide even more resources to those managing care for people living with dementia. Register for the webinar here.